I don’t know about you, but the isolation effects of the pandemic took a toll on my health and my growth as a leader. As we come out of the pandemic restrictions I had a crazy idea that I should “celebrate” by conducting a leadership growth experiment on myself. I want to see how “surrounding” myself with a few friends could help me achieve a few goals.
The goals relate to two components of what Jim Collins calls Level 5 Leadership:
Unwavering determination + Humility = Level 5 Leadership
It’s been a long time since I’ve set out to achieve a long-term goal requiring unwavering determination. Seems like preparing for a marathon would fit that criteria.
Challenge #1 (Unwavering determination): Most marathon training plans assume you can run at least 20 miles a week before even starting. Apparently zero is much less than 20, I have some work to do.
Challenge #2 (Unwavering determination): The ideal weight for a 6’ 1” marathon runner is 162 lbs., yah, not going to happen. I won’t strive for the ideal weight, but I still have a lot of work to do to even get below the 200s.
Challenge #3 (Humility): To grow as a leader I need to become intentional about the value I add to others.
I’ll start posting my first weekly results on Friday morning and continue posting through the end of the year.
I’m “surrounding myself” by tagging these friends on each weekly post, but anyone is certainly welcome to come along for the journey.
I’ll also post my updates at Surrounded Leader.
Thanks to everyone who agreed to follow me on this crazy journey. We’ll see you at the finish line! Feel free to give me a kick when I need it!